

Higher Minds yoga curriculum is designed for ages toddler to teens. Each program consists of weekly themes, mindful breathing, movement exercises, songs and activities.  Every age group can benefit from these practices. Programs are offered during the school day or after school.  They are tailored to fit your schools individual needs. 


Introducing Mini Mind Fulls! Higher Minds Mindfulness curriculum consists of weekly fifteen minute lessons tailored to your school. Each lesson has a specific objective, character education theme, activities and follow up questions. Students are able to gain self regulation, concentration and focus.  


Our professional development offerings consist of ways staff can incorporate mindfulness techniques into their classrooms.  We train staff on various yoga and mindfulness techniques such as breathing, mindful movement and activities. When staff experiences the positive benefits of these practices, they are more keen to share them with their students and incorporate them into their daily classroom routines.  Mindful practices have been proven to higher test scores, increase focus and decrease anxiety and stress.

Take the next step!

To get started in one of our programs, begin by filling out the registration form and we will take it from there!